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Itchy Skin during the menopause- what can you do to help anxiety skin changes Feb 19, 2023

If you are struggling with itchy irritated skin or vaginal irritation & dryness and you are peri-menopausal or menopausals then read on... you might find one of these solutions offers you some...

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Why Journalling Is So Good For Anxiety anxiety Feb 05, 2023

Your hormones, oestrogen and progesterone are really good at keeping you calm.

They also make you much more tolerant and patient.

When your body starts to produce less of these two hormones you...

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Why Our Daily Routines Matter So Much Jan 02, 2023

 As the Christmas holidays come to an end how are you feeling?  Do you feel energised and rested or do you feel a bit jaded and worn out? 

If you are feeling a bit worn out then you...

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How Insulin Affects Your Weight menopausal weight gain weightloss Dec 29, 2022


Every time you eat your food is converted into glucose which enters your blood stream. Your pancreas releases insulin  to deal with the glucose which is great, however if your insulin...

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Menopausal Weight Gain And What To Do About It menopausal weight gain weightloss Dec 27, 2022


Want to lose that middle aged spread?

You are not on your own! This is one of the commonest complaints women have during menopause. 

But the good news is, you CAN get rid of it with a...

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