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What is CBTi & how does it help treat insomnia sleep May 17, 2023

Sleep problems, particularly during the menopause, can severely impact our well-being and productivity on a daily basis.

Many people are unaware that one of the most effective ways to overcome...

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Which Sleeping Tablets Are Best During The Menopause? sleep May 13, 2023

What are the  best sleeping tablets during the menopause?

This is a question that I get asked a lot.

There are different types of medication that are used as sleeping tablets, In the past...

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Do Magnesium Supplements Help with Sleep? anxiety sleep supplements May 06, 2023


Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in the body's various biological processes. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions and contributes to bone...

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The Best Breathing Exercise To Help Sleep & Anxiety anxiety insomnia Apr 28, 2023

I have tried many breathing exercises in the last few years and the one that I believe works better than any of the others for inducing sleep and helping with anxiety is the 4-7-8 breathing...

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How to get your HRT medication for £19.30 per year hrt medication Apr 17, 2023

If you live in England and you are still paying for every HRT prescription that you get I have good news for you.

From 1st April 2023 you can buy a prepaid certificate from £19.30 which last...

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Try a cooling mattress or matress topper to reduce hot sweats menopause symptoms sleep Mar 31, 2023

If you are suffering from menopausal hot sweats at night then you might be interested in a interesting article I read in the North American Journal of Menopause  recently which said...

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How to cope after a bad nights sleep sleep Mar 18, 2023

Getting a good night's sleep is amazing, you feel better and look better too, however there are times when we just can't seem to get the quality of rest we need. 

A bad night's sleep can...

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Isoflavones what are they and do they help menopausal symptoms? menopause symptoms Mar 09, 2023

What are Isoflavones?

Isoflavones or phytoestrogen are plant based compounds that can mimic the effects of oestrogen in our bodies. They have a similar structure to oestrogen which allows...

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Menopausal Joint Pain joint pain Mar 01, 2023


Menopausal joint pain affects many women and can be a source of significant discomfort and decreased quality of life. In this blog, we will explore the causes of menopausal joint pain, its...

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5 Steps To Better Sleep sleep Feb 24, 2023

If you are having problems getting to sleep or staying asleep, try these simple steps...



What commonly happens when you start to have sleep problems...

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