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What is a Constructive Worry Diary & how does it help me to sleep better?

anxiety sleep Jun 01, 2023

You probably have a really busy life, which can be  great, however what can sometimes happen is you get so busy that you don’t have time to process any thoughts, concerns, anxieties or ideas that occur during the day because you are so busy. 

When you go to bed and it’s nice and quiet you now have time to start ruminating about all the issues of the day and this can sometimes become a significant problem.

It can be a block to you going to sleep and staying asleep.

So what can be done?

One of the best ways to deal with this situation and  help alleviate your worries and anxieties is to start a constructive worry diary.

What is a constructive worry diary?

A constructive worry diary is more than a journal, it actually encourages you to deal with the anxieties that have arisen during the day. The process involves identifying the concerns, understanding them and devising possible solutions.

It is a really simple habit to get into and it has been proven to help with getting to and staying asleep.

How to Start and Use a Constructive Worry Diary

  1. Find a blank journal or blank piece of paper and make two columns

  2. Label the first column CONCERNS and the second column SOLUTIONS

  3. In the evening, at least two hours before you go to bed spend fifteen minutes identifying the worries or thoughts of the day and write them in the concerns column ( it can be anything from what to have for lunch the next day to how am I going to pay my rent)

  4. Once you have written down your concern try to analyse the concerns:-

  • If there is a solution to the concern then write that down

  • If there is no solution and you need help to solve the concern, write that down

  • If you decide that it’s not really a problem, write that down

Once you start to make a habit of filling in your constructive worry diary you will find that you have less anxiety and start to sleep better. Your brain knows that you are dealing with the concerns.

Keep the worry diary next to your bed. If you do wake up in the night you can be reassured that the issues are dealt with or being dealt with. 

The Benefits of keeping a Constructive Worry Diary

  1. Better sleep - by addressing your worries before bedtime, you prevent them from disturbing your sleep. You are effectively clearing your mind, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep

  2. Reduced Anxiety - Actively addressing your worries can help reduce anxiety. It allows you to break down overwhelming concerns into manageable pieces and approach them with a plan

  3. Increased self awareness - regularly keeping a constructive worry diary can increase your self-awareness. You will start to notice patterns in your worries and triggers, which can help you address underlying issues.

In conclusion, a constructive worry diary is a powerful tool for managing worries and anxieties. It helps you process your thoughts actively, promote better sleep, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being.

If you are having significant problems with sleep however, you may need additional support & help. You can find more information about how to sleep better on my sleep page HERE




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