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Are You Tired But Can't Sleep? anxiety sleep Sep 06, 2023


Tired But Can't Sleep: Overcoming the Obstacles to Restful Sleep

 It's an all-too-familiar scene for many: you find yourself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, desperately wishing...

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Why Can't I Sleep? anxiety sleep Sep 02, 2023


Why Can't I Sleep? Exploring 3 Common Roadblocks to Restful Nights

 Sleep is vital for our overall well-being; it’s the time our bodies repair, refresh, and prepare for a new...

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Menopausal Anxiety, What is it & How to manage it anxiety sleep Aug 12, 2023

Anxiety is a common human experience. Many of us have felt it at different moments in our lives, such as before a job interview. The real challenge arises when anxiety begins to interfere with our...

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How To Manage Panic Attacks During The Menopause (or any other time too) anxiety Jul 20, 2023

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and debilitating experiences for those who suffer from them. If you've ever experienced a panic attack or know someone who has, you understand the intense...

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What is a Constructive Worry Diary & how does it help me to sleep better? anxiety sleep Jun 01, 2023

You probably have a really busy life, which can be  great, however what can sometimes happen is you get so busy that you don’t have time to process any thoughts, concerns, anxieties or...

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Do Magnesium Supplements Help with Sleep? anxiety sleep supplements May 06, 2023


Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in the body's various biological processes. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions and contributes to bone...

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The Best Breathing Exercise To Help Sleep & Anxiety anxiety insomnia Apr 28, 2023

I have tried many breathing exercises in the last few years and the one that I believe works better than any of the others for inducing sleep and helping with anxiety is the 4-7-8 breathing...

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Itchy Skin during the menopause- what can you do to help anxiety skin changes Feb 19, 2023

If you are struggling with itchy irritated skin or vaginal irritation & dryness and you are peri-menopausal or menopausals then read on... you might find one of these solutions offers you some...

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Why Journalling Is So Good For Anxiety anxiety Feb 05, 2023

Your hormones, oestrogen and progesterone are really good at keeping you calm.

They also make you much more tolerant and patient.

When your body starts to produce less of these two hormones you...

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