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How To Manage Panic Attacks During The Menopause (or any other time too)

anxiety Jul 20, 2023

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and debilitating experiences for those who suffer from them. If you've ever experienced a panic attack or know someone who has, you understand the intense physical and emotional distress they can cause. 

It's really useful to know what a panic attack is and what to do to alleviate it quickly and easily. 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the nature of panic attacks and discuss effective strategies for managing and overcoming them.

What are Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks are really just an exaggeration of our bodies response to danger, stress or excitement. They can strike without warning and are characterised by a variety of distressing symptoms, including rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, trembling, sweating, and a sense of impending doom or loss of control. 

An attack typically  lasts anywhere from a few moments to an hour and they can be really frightening especially if you are on your own at night.

Causes of Panic Attacks

During the peri-menopause and menopausal periods panic attacks can become more common mainly due to the drop in progesterone that occurs at this time. Before the menopause Progesterone works to keep us calm. When the levels of this hormone drop  anxiety and panic attacks can occur more frequently.


If you are suffering from sleep problems you are more likely to get panic attacks, due to a couple of factors. Firstly if you are not getting adequate sleep your brain is not getting time to recover and reset. 

Secondly,  when you lie awake in bed for long periods of time you tend to start overthinking and worrying. When we are in bed at night awake it’s usually very quiet and you can feel very lonely and isolated.

How to cope with panic attacks

  1.  Firstly and most importantly know that you will not die or come to any harm due a panic attack. It may feel like you are dying when you are having one but you aren’t. If you can bear this in mind right away and then implement a few other strategies you can get an attack under control quite quickly.

  2. Using a breathing exercise is one of the very best ways to control a panic attack. The 4-7-8 breathing method is very effective. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for seven and breathe out for 8. Close your eyes whilst you are breathing. You can find more information about this breathing exercise HERE. This breathing exercise will reset your nervous system plus it concentrates your mind on counting.

  3. Stare straight ahead, widen your peripheral vision and name as many colours as you can

  4. Singing is another great way to calm a panic attack down, if you can listen to some music at the same time too that is very calming

  5. If you find that your breathing feels out of control and you are dizzy, breathe into a paper bag if you have one nearby, this is a really effective way to control your breathing and get rid of the dizziness.

If you find that you are having frequent panic attacks, make sure that you are prepared, try to get as much sleep as possible and one other strategy that is really good to prevent them is to get daily physical exercise.


Panic attacks can be terrifying, but they are manageable with the right tools and support. By understanding the causes of panic attacks and adopting effective coping strategies, you can regain control over your life and reduce the impact of these episodes. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and it's essential to seek professional guidance if panic attacks significantly affect your daily functioning. 

With time, patience, and self-care, you can overcome panic attacks.



10 Strategies to help you sleep better during the menopause